by Mike Wiering, Wiering Software
Old news
July 22, 2006 - DoJa demo
July 16, 2006 - BooGame demos
Rob Loach made examples for using Tile Studio with BooGame, a 2D game engine framework for .NET, written in C#.
July 7, 2006 - D demo
July 5, 2006 - Flash example
I've been experimenting with
haXe and I wrote a little
that shows scrolling layers. I haven't worked with Flahs/ActionScript before,
so it can probably be improved a lot (please let me know if you find ways to make
it run faster!). It requires this updated TS.exe, which
allows exporting tiles as separate .PNG files.
May 7, 2006 - Version 2.53
This is an update with some fixed bugs and changes. Download the newest version from
- Fixed: move tile left / right sometimes gave a range check error.
- You can now choose a scale down factor 1/2/4/8 for exporting a map as an image.
- Smart pick up pattern: while using color patterns, you can now pick up a color using [Alt + Right Mouse Button].
If the color is one from a color pattern you've been using, that pattern will be selected.
- Fixed: deleting a tile messed up the bounds of the other tiles.
- Fixed: <MapCount> included maps that weren't exported, making it kind of useless.
- Added <TSBackTile1>, <TSMidTile1> and <TSFrontTile1> which use 1 as the first tile, 0 for no tile and -1 and below
for sequences (unlike <TSBackTile>, <TSMidTile> and <TSFrontTile>, which use 0 for the first tile and -1 for empty,
which conflicts with the first tile sequence).
- Fixed: the 4th parameter of #tiledata (y-separator) was being ignored. If you were using this parameter in your
.tsd files, you might get different results now.
- Fixed: progressbar works a little better now while generating code.
August 21, 2005 - BlitzMax example updated
I just updated the BlitzMax scroll demo to demonstrate the use of bounds. Now there
are some objects that move around and bounce against the edges.
Download it here: tsbm2.zip.
June 8, 2005 - Another BlitzMax .tsd file
Jeremy Alessi also posted a .tsd file for
BlitzMax and a version the scroll example. This one is a direct conversion of the
original BlitzBasic version. Download it here: tsbm.zip.
June 6, 2005 - BlitzMax .tsd file and scroll demo
May 6, 2005 - Version 2.52
Another small update, download it here.
- Now you can easily replace one color with another while editing a tile. Just use the
Fill tool and hold [Ctrl] down while you fill an area. All pixels with exactly the
same color in the tile will be replaced as well.
- You can also replace one tile (combination) with another in the map editor.
Use the selection tool and select the tile you want to replace and press
[Ctrl + X] (Cut) or [Ctrl + C] (Copy), so the old tile appears in the clip area
at the right. Now change the tile into something new and select it again.
Finally press [Ctrl + Shift + R] (Map, Replace Clipped by Selected) to replace
the old tile with the selected one everywhere in your map.
May 5, 2005 - Another Java demo
Some time ago, Steffen Kluge sent me a demo he made in Java using the Java Wireless Toolkit 2.0 and
Borland JBuilder 9 Mobile Edition. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to work myself, but maybe it
will be useful for anyone who is working on a similar project. Download it here:
tornado.zip (206 Kb).
February 21, 2005 - Java scroll demo
Paul René Jørgensen posted a Java version of the scroll demo, including an XML.tsd export file. Download it
here: tsjava.zip (324 Kb). See the included file install.txt for instructions
and contact info.
January 8, 2005 - Tell about your projects!
I'ld like to compile a list of games that were created using Tile Studio to be included on this site.
If you've created a game with Tile Studio, please submit information about it
December 7, 2004 - Version 2.51
Just a small update, download it here.
- Added tile grid ([Ctrl + G] to enable/disable).
- You can pick up several colors to form a color pattern using [Ctrl + Right-click].
- Fixed: Export map as image would only export the visible region.
August 8, 2004 - Tell about your projects!
I'ld like to compile a list of games that were created using Tile Studio to be included on this site.
If you've created a game with Tile Studio, please submit information about it
August 8, 2004 - Bugs fixed
This is not an official release, but you can get the newest version here.
Exporting a map as an image only exported the visible region instead of the whole map. And copying
tiles (F3) should work properly again now.
July 27, 2004 - New SDL example
I just made an little example .tsd file for use with SDL and a demo.
Download it here (move with arrow keys, Esc to quit).
June 7, 2004 - Version 2.5
This new version includes quite a few changes and new features. So far, I've only tested it with my own projects, so please backup
your project(s) before trying it!
- A project's .tsd file can now be saved in the project directory (which is usually a much more logical place to have it than
the Tile Studio directory).
- New command #tstilebitmap creates a .BMP or .PNG bitmap of the exact tiles in your tile set (instead of the tile
combinations in your maps), works the same as #tilebitmap.
- Fixed access violation error which sometimes occurred when drawing small maps with overlap > 0.
- New command #uniquetextile, which generates unique tile combinations with edges and corners! Unfortunately, due to
the huge amount of tiles that are generated, this command became kind of obsolete right after I finished it. The idea was
to have an easy way to use texture tiles, but without all the edges and corner stuff. Still, it can be useful for large
maps, split up into small tiles that only occur once (related commands: <UniqueTexTileCount>,
<UniqueTexTileNumber>, not implemented for sequences).
- You can now export complete maps as images (File menu), you might want to turn off Show Grid,
Show Map Codes and Show Bounds in the map menu first.
- Right-click in a map will also select the (top most) tile in your tile set.
- You can now select the lighting direction (paint brush, filled ellipses, rectangles, etc). The direction is indicated
by the small circle in the bound box (tile editor) and you can change it with [Shift] + left mouse button.
- New command #binfile for binary output. A parameter is required to set the default bit size: 8, 16, 24 or 32.
Any text between quotes will be included into the file, values like <Pixel> will be stored in the default
bit size (but you can override that with <Pixel:"8">). See the file Binary Output Example.tsd for
an example.
- New: Tile Rotation in the map editor. In addition to the 'h' and 'v' buttons (horizontal and vertical flip) at the top right
in the map editor, there is a 'r' button, which rotates the tile 90 degrees to the right. To rotate to the left, press all
three buttons. You can export the rotation bit using <TSBackR>, <TSMidR> and
- You can now also rotate square tiles / areas in the tile editor as well ([Ctrl + BkSp] and [Ctrl + Shift + BkSp]).
- You can now hide the tile set panel (which can be useful when working with large tile sets), press [Ctrl + H].
- While making a selection, the status bar shows the size of the selection, not only the coordinates.
- Anti-Aliasing (Code menu): You can now scale down your tiles while exporting them (by 2, 3 or 4). In addition
to <R>, <G> and <B>, you can now also use <A>, which is the
Alpha value (0-255).
Derek Danial Diaz posted a .tsd file for DarkBASIC Pro
together with a working demo! See the examples section below.
February 21, 2004 - Version 2.43
This is a quick update with some small changes and bugs fixed.
- There shouldn't be any problems anymore while exiting Tile Studio under Linux.
- The color pattern (under the palette) is more advanced now, you can make
any row of gradient colors by first selecting an area (so you get an arrow) and then selecting
a new color with [Shift] down.
- Using the color pattern in combination with shape tools (filled rectangle, circle, etc),
you can press H, V or D for a smooth horizontal, vertical or diagonal gradient. This already
worked, but would sometimes cause an range check error.
- Better noise generation (Smooth Random Fill button). Line width changes the density.
- You can now use the paintbrush just like the filled shape tools (in combination with a color pattern).
The size depends on the line width. Hold [Alt] down to get the old usage (line from the first shade to the last).
- Each tool now has it's own line width (you might have to get used to that).
- Several small bugs fixed.
December 28, 2003 - OpenGL scroll demo updated
A few small optimizations in the Delphi / OpenGL scroll demo:
the animation is now smoother and the overall speed was improved by using
Singles instead of Reals.
Download it here (move with arrow keys, Esc to quit).
August 7, 2003 - Version 2.42
April 22, 2003 - Version 2.41
This new version fixes a number of bugs that were introduced while rewriting the
code generator for version 2.4. The palette and tstile commands work
again and a few problems with other commands have been fixed. There have also been
a few bug fixes in the palette manager.
March 16, 2003 - Version 2.4
September 4, 2002 - Version 2.34
This new version fixes a bug with using multiple
color palettes. Also, the variables <X> and <Y> are now
available to indicate the current position within a map or tile.
August 16, 2002 - Version 2.33
A serious bug (which was introduced in version 2.2) has now been fixed.
This bug sometimes caused projects
to be saved wrong, which resulted in an error loading the project again.
March 16, 2002 - Source code released!
The complete Delphi source code for Tile Studio is now available for
download (see below). The program is now an open source project.
The source code is available under the
GNU General Public Licence.
Because Tile Studio generates source code which can be included into your
projects, the .tsd files (which are mainly copied) are distributed without
restrictions. Therefore, you can use Tile Studio itself for any project (not only
for projects under the GPL) without violating the GPL.
The project has now been set up at SourceForge, a great site for open source
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